PDFBox 1.2.1 for .NET binaries

The Apache PDFBox™ library is tool for working with PDF documents. It allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents.
You can download .NET binaries to use PDFBox version 1.2.1, I just used them for text extraction from PDF and it worked flawlessly for various PDF that we tested.I translated orginal Java jars with IKVM

Last official .NET assemblies for PDFBox is version 0.7.3 and with that version I had a problems with some PDF files, new version works OK.

Download: PDFBox-1.2.1-.NET.zip

Example project that extracts text from PDF document: ExtractPdfText.zip

Update (24. Jan 2014) :
Here is the link for PDFBox 1.7.0 binaries released by Andreas Lehmkühler: